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Fight Pathogens with Nutriplus ImmunHealth

Fight against pathogens with Nutriplus ImmunHealth

During the covid pandemic, we all understood the importance of immunity. We started consuming healthy food and food supplements that help in boosting our immunity. What is immunity? Immunity means the ability of our body to prevent the entry of disease-causing substances such as viruses and bacteria. Antibodies that are produced by the immune system help in achieving immunity.

What is an Immune System?

The immune system includes a network of organs, cells and proteins. It protects our body against infection. The immune system records every foreign particle (germ) it has ever defeated. The record helps the immune system identify and destroy the germ quickly if it enters the body again. The organs of the immune system include the thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, and bone marrow. White blood cells and antibodies are also part of the immune system. 

What is an Imbalanced Immune System? 

Nutriplus ImmunHealth to boost your immunity

We have already discussed that the immune system records the foreign particles that enter our body. This record helps quickly identify the particle and destroy it when it enters for a second time. You can lose your immunity if the immune system is imbalanced. An imbalanced immune system causes allergic diseases and autoimmune disorders.    

What Causes Imbalanced Immune System?

Certain things that cause an imbalanced immune system are out of our control. These things include our age and some diseases. Our immune system tends to weaken as we age. But we can keep our immune system healthy if we take care of the following things:

Unhealthy eating can be a reason for an imbalanced Immune system. Include food in your diet that helps the immune system to work in a better way. Try to consume more healthy and fresh food. Eating packaged and junk food can weaken the immune system.  

Inadequate rest also weakens our immune system. Insufficient sleep affects the generation of white blood cells, which is a part of our immune system. So, go for sound sleep for at least 8 hours daily.  

Nutritional deficiency is another reason for a weak immune system. A lack of vitamins and minerals will harm your immune system. Include food that is rich in vitamins and minerals in your diet.

Stress can also affect your immune system badly. Overpressure and stress can reduce your sleep and affect your immune system. So, become involved in some activities that reduce your stress. 

Signs of a Weak Immune System

Diseases due to unhealthy immune system

Here we will discuss some diseases that occur due to a weak immune system. If you are affected by a severe viral infection, it may be due to a weak immune system. Diseases such as Pneumonia, Meningitis and Bronchitis also occur due to an imbalanced immune system. 

Some skin infections, inflammation of internal organs, anaemia and digestive issues also occur due to a weak immune system. It even affects the growth and development of infants and small children. 

How Does Nutriplus ImmunHealth help?

Nutriplus ImmunHealth is a food supplement that consists of all the nutrients to balance our immune system. It is a natural product made using papaya leaf extract, echinacea extract, aloe vera, Guduchi, minerals, micronutrients and amino acids.

Papaya leaf extract increases the blood platelet count. It is also rich in β-carotene and Lycopene. It contains vitamins C and A and antioxidants such as Alkaloids, Flavonoids, and Phenolic compounds. The leaves also have effective immunomodulatory. The extract also helps in preventing gastric ulcers. 

Echinacea is a flower found mostly in North America. It has been widely used for centuries to treat diseases and enhance immunity. It has proven antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Its effective adaptogens help to reduce physical and emotional stress. Reduced stress will increase the longevity of our immune system. 

Aloe vera has been widely used as a herbal medicine due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Aloe vera helps to balance the immune system. Along with amino acids, aloe vera helps to improve immunity. 

Guduchi satwa increases white blood cell count. It also helps in the growth of bone marrow stem cells, which leads to improved immune response. The micronutrients and amino acids help in the activation of white blood cells. The Bactericidal (an antibiotic to kill bacteria) function of neutrophil killer cells also enhances the immune system. Nutriplus ImmunHealth also has minerals such as Magnesium gluconate, Copper gluconate and Zinc gluconate, which help boost the immune system. 

In Brief, Nutriplus ImmunHealth contains all the nutrients to balance our immune system. It boosts the immune response to all pathogens. It helps the immune system to overreact to allergic substances. To know more about Nutriplus ImmunHealth, visit Nutriplus ImmunHealth by QNET Helps to Boost Immunity and Improve Health.



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