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Nutriplus BoneHealth For A Healthier Tomorrow

Nutiplus BoneHealth for a healthier tomorrow

Don’t we all want to live a more vibrant and energetic life? It is important to take care of our skeletal system to achieve this. Do you know why? Because an adult skeletal system consists of around 206 bones. It gives shape to our body. The skeletal system allows movement and also protects organs.

So, to remain active, we must take care of our bones to remain strong for longer. Bone building occurs during the first 20 years of our life. Bone is a major reserve for calcium as it stores 99% of our body’s calcium. So, taking care of our bones from a very young age is important.

Our bone density normally tends to reduce after 50 years of age. We must also be careful of diseases such as osteoporosis that weakens the bones. We may lose mobility if we don’t care for our bones properly.

Our diet should include all the nutrients that our bones require to maintain bone health. But it isn’t easy to include all the nutrients in our diet. So, it is always recommended to intake some food supplements along with our daily diet.

Nutriplus BoneHealth is a food supplement that protects our bones and teeth. These tablets give the necessary nutrients for the bone’s strength and long life. It reduces the risk of osteoporosis and helps in building immunity. Nutriplus BoneHealth also supports healthy muscle and nerve functions.

Some Natural Ways to Improve Bone Health

Healthy food for bone health

Include calcium-rich food for all meals. We should consume food that is rich in vitamin D and Vitamin K. Also, it is good to add plenty of vegetables to our food.

Reducing the intake of low-calorie food will make you a healthier person. Try to maintain a healthy weight. Do some exercises that increase bone strength.

Consuming enough amount of protein-rich food will also help in getting better bone strength.

Importance of Calcium

Calcium has an important role in maintaining bone health. It contributes to 1.5-2% of total body weight. Bone is a major reserve for calcium. Almost 99% of the calcium in our body is stored in our bones and teeth. The remaining 1% is found in tissues, blood and muscle.

Our body needs many other nutrients to absorb and use calcium properly. Such nutrients include magnesium, phosphorous, zinc and Vitamin D.

Sources of Calcium

The major sources of calcium are dairy products such as milk and cheese. Calcium is also abundant in some green leafy vegetables. Sardines are also rich in calcium. Consuming soybeans and nuts can also increase the calcium in your body.

How Can Calcium Deficiency Affect Our Health?

Reduce bone health cause osteoporosis

Many diseases occur due to the deficiency of calcium. Some of them are discussed here.

Muscle Spasms

Muscle spasms are also known as muscle cramps. It occurs suddenly due to an involuntary contraction of a muscle. Muscle cramps are often very painful.


Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens bones and makes it so brittle. This disease makes the bones break easily. Osteoporosis is common among older people, especially women who are above the age of 50.

Frequent Fractures

Breaking of bones frequently is also due to the deficiency of calcium. Reduced calcium intake contributes to low bone density and increases the risk of fractures.


Arthritis is a common disease that affects the joints. Joint pain and stiffness are the major symptoms of arthritis. It makes us difficult to move and stay active. This disease will worsen with our age.

So, make sure you replenish your calcium reserves every day. It ensures that you maintain a healthy bone density and also prevents diseases such as osteoporosis. Taking some food supplements is the best solution to guarantee that you are refilling your calcium reserves in your body.

Here comes the importance of NutriPlus BoneHealth, which is available exclusively through QNET. It ensures that your bone is protected and is getting enough calcium.

What is Nutriplus BoneHealth?

NutriPlus BoneHealth consists of vitamins and minerals that are required for the overall health of bones and related muscles. The nutrients present in BoneHealth are calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C.

The calcium present in the Nutriplus BoneHealth tablet is in bioavailable form. It is to ensure maximum absorption and utilization.

This tablet does not cause stomach-related problems such as acidity or gastrointestinal discomfort.

Who Can Consume BoneHealth?

Men, women and senior citizens can consume Nutriplus BoneHealth. It is recommended to take 1-2 tablets each day, along with meals.

One tablet gives you 30-35% daily required Indian RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances). RDA is the dietary intake level of nutrients needed for a healthy person. The tablets do not cause any discomfort.

Benefits of Nutriplus BoneHealth

Nutriplus BoneHealth for a healthy life

The nutrients present in Nutriplus BoneHealth are beneficial in different ways. Here we discuss some of the health benefits of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin C.

Calcium is essential for the development of healthy bones and teeth. It also contributes to normal bone density. Calcium also helps in healthy muscle and nerve functions. It also plays a role in blood clotting and maintaining a regular heartbeat.

Our body needs magnesium for its biochemical activities. It also helps in regulating body’s temperature.

Zinc will contribute to a healthy bone mass. It also helps in the better functioning of the immune system. It is also needed for the growth of healthy skin and hair.

Vitamin C helps in boosting immunity and contributes to healing injuries and wounds. It helps in maintaining healthy bone tissues and collagen.

Our body also requires vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth. Our body needs it for the proper absorption of calcium.

An Easier Way to Protect Your Bone

To Conclude, Nutriplus BoneHealth makes your life easier by protecting your bones in every aspect. This food supplement contains all the minerals and vitamins needed for strong and healthy bones. It also helps in boosting the body’s immunity.

Order it today and become a healthier person. Make your life more vibrant and energetic. To know more about Nutriplus BoneHealth, visit Nutriplus BoneHealth- Healthy Bones Equals a Healthy Life.

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