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Make Your Life More Sweeter with Nutriplus Natose 

Nutriplus Natose natural sweetener

Sugar is not so sweet! Most of us are addicted to sugary foods. We may say that children are more addicted to sugary food. But, it is a fact that many of us adults are picky eaters and we all consume a lot of sweets daily. When we go to a party, the one thing that we all anxiously await is dessert. At least some of us, especially children, fill our stomachs only with desserts such as ice creams or puddings. It is because they are so sugary and tempting. It is the same even if you go to a bakery or confectionery. You will see a lot of tempting sweets displayed so well to attract customers. It will prompt the customers to buy it even though they don’t intend to.

But, we know that the attractive sweet rolls, pastries, ice creams, doughnuts, cakes, cool drinks and juices contain sugar in high amounts. When we consume it daily, we intake an excessive amount of sugar. Even though we cut a lot of other food rich in carbohydrates to manage weight, most of us cannot compromise on sweets. Sugar is added to most processed foods and snacks to enhance its taste. Since a majority of us rely on processed food daily, we consume a lot of sugar in a day. High-sugar diets will affect our health badly. It causes obesity and many chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

How Does Sugar Harm Our Body?

Sugar has harmful heath effectseffects
Sugar can affect our health in different ways. Here we will discuss some of the harmful health effects of sugar. 
High intake of sugar cause weight gain

Consuming a high amount of sugar in a day can cause quick and drastic weight gain. This leads to obesity and other diseases. Sugar is used only to improve the taste of food. It actually increases your hunger. Most carbonated beverages contain sugar in high amounts. A high amount of sugar may increase physical performance for some time. But it eventually harms your body.  

Sugar may increase the risk of heart diseases

Heart diseases are the main reason for the increased death rate worldwide. Studies show that high-sugar diets increase heart diseases. It raises the triglyceride level in your body, increasing the risk of heart disease. Sugary diets also lead to an increase in bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol). 

Increases the risk of type 2 diabetes

Excessive intake of sugar can cause obesity, which might lead you to Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition in which our body doesn’t use insulin properly. It results in excess sugar circulating in the bloodstream. High blood sugar levels or Type 2 diabetes leads to increased thirst, frequent urination, hunger, tiredness and blurred vision. Food with a high glycemic index can also increase blood glucose levels. A glycemic index is a number assigned to a carbohydrate-containing food depending on how much the food has caused to rise in the blood glucose levels.

Bad for dental health

Sugar can harm your teeth and gums. A high-sugar diet can eventually lead to tooth decay, gum inflammation and other dental diseases. Sugar attracts bad bacteria, which indeed decays your tooth. 

So, it is time to make a healthy choice without compromising the taste of the food. QNET has come up with Nutriplus Natose, a liquid stevia sweetener that will allow you to consume sweets without risking your health.

Why Nutriplus Natose?

Nutriplus Natose for a healthier life

Nutriplus Natose is a natural sweetener. This liquid sugar substitute is extracted from the leaves of the Stevia plant. It doesn’t contain any artificial flavour. This sugar substitute is stable to heat. So, you can use it while cooking food. It doesn’t increase the calorie intake. So, no worries about weight gain. 

Stevia plant, a native to South America, is also known as a honey herb. It has been used for hundreds of years to sweeten beverages and food. Studies show that stevia leaf extract is 250 to 300 times sweeter than sugar. So, you need to add only a small quantity of this liquid sweetener to get the sweetness you require for your food. 

Nutriplus Natose sugar substitute also does not raise blood glucose levels. This natural product avoids the risk of any side effects. It is also good for weight management. It is also safe for diabetics. You can use this sweetener for preparing desserts, baked items and sweets. It is enough to add 2-4 drops of beverages or food to get the desired taste. So, don’t compromise on the taste of beverages or sweets. Enjoy a healthy life with Nutriplus Natose. 

On that note, order it today and enjoy a better life. Nutriplus Natose is only available through QNET India. To know more about Nutriplus products, visit  Nutriplus Products from QNET India.

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