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Nutriplus GutHealth for a Healthy Gut

Nutriplus GutHealth for a healthy gut

Do we need to worry about the growling noise that our stomach makes? It is quite natural to hear some noises during the digestion process. The medical term for these growling or rumbling sounds is borborygmi. It is also our body’s way of communicating hunger.

But if your stomach produces these sounds frequently, it might be due to some indigestion. So, listen to your stomach and hear what it has to say. Indigestion or stomach upset can give you severe stomach pain. Bloating and vomiting are other symptoms of indigestion. You also might feel heavy and uncomfortable. Overeating or eating very fast, drinking too many carbonated beverages, and eating spicy and fatty food, can all result in indigestion.

Importance of Gut Health

A healthy gut or a healthy stomach is needed for a smooth life. An unhealthy gut will not allow you to work peacefully. Your immune system and hormones also won’t work properly if you have an unhealthy gut. So, an imbalanced gut can lead to severe diseases.

A healthy gut contributes to the digestion of food we eat and helps absorb nutrients. A balanced gut is also a requirement for proper metabolism and also to get rid of metabolic waste and toxins from our body. Toxins must be removed from our body to avoid inflammation and chronic illness. We may also suffer from diarrhoea, gas, constipation and joint pain.

A Healthy Gut

A healthy gut should have the right number of good bacteria to perform all its functions. But nowadays, our unhealthy eating habits, improper sleep, and pollution kill these microorganisms. As a result, we end up having chronic diseases.

QNET India has come up with a solution to get rid of all your gut-related issues. Nutriplus GutHealth is a probiotic supplement. Probiotics are healthy bacteria that provide health benefits when consumed in the right quantity.

What is Nutriplus GutHealth?

Nutriplus GutHealth to solve gut problems

Nutriplus GutHealth is available only through QNET India. It is a probiotic supplement that contains five species of good bacteria. They are:

  • Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • Lactobacillus casei
  • Lactobacillus bulgaricus
  • Bifidobacterium longum
  • Streptococcus thermophiles

Each of these bacteria supports our health in different ways. The Lactobacillus acidophilus can help by reducing cholesterol levels. Diarrhoea is another disease caused due to the presence of bad bacteria. The Lactobacillus acidophilus can also prevent diarrhoea. The bacteria can also prevent urinary tract infections. This bacterium can also promote weight loss.

The lactobacillus casei is the master probiotic in the digestive system. This bacterium improves our heart health. It helps our body by increasing the good cholesterol and reducing triglycerides. The bacteria can also reduce asthma and allergy symptoms and reduce constipation.

The Lactobacillus bulgaricus bacteria can benefit our health by increasing immunity and reducing inflammation. You can also benefit from improved dairy digestion and reduced diarrhoea and nausea. This bacterium also helps to reduce bad cholesterol. One can also benefit from improved IBS symptoms.

The Bifidobacterium longum is a multifunctional probiotic. This bacterium helps fight infections. It might also help in the treatment of anxiety. Another health benefit is that it improves the digestion of complex carbohydrates. This bacterium is also helpful when a person is undergoing chemotherapy.

The Streptococcus thermophiles bacteria keeps the gut healthy by reducing acute diarrhoea and antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. It also reduces ulcerative colitis symptoms. The bacterium can help prevent gastric ulcers and increase immunity. One can also benefit as this bacterium improves lactose digestion. It also promotes the growth of good and healthy bacteria in the intestine.

Why is Nutriplus GutHealth Unique?

Nutriplus GutHealth is a health supplement that is formulated with specially-cultured beneficial bacteria. This heat-stable bacterium can survive stomach acid. Another advantage of Nutriplus GutHealth is its proprietary formulation. It uses the unique Advance Activator Hybrid Culture (AHC) technology. This health supplement contains 10 billion Colony Forming Units (CFU). CFU is the number of viable bacteria. Intensive microbiological testing ensures the quality and stability of organisms.

Benefits of Nutriplus GutHealth

Nutriplus GutHealth makes you a healthy person

Nutriplus GutHealth offers numerous health benefits. It makes each day of ours better by making us healthier people. Some of the benefits associated with Nutriplus GutHealth are:

  • It allows improved digestion
  • It enhances immunity
  • It decreases inflammation
  • It offers protection due to food allergy
  • It provides a healthy skin
  • It contributes to lowering blood pressure
  • It suppresses diarrhoea
  • It might reduce the risk of colon cancer

In Brief, Nutriplus GutHealth is available only through QNET India. Visit the QNET India portal to order the product or to know the price of each product. So, improve your gut health with QNET India. To know more about other QNET Nutriplus products, visit Nutriplus Products from QNET India.

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