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Nutriplus Food Supplements to Lead a Better Life


QNET India has come up with an array of food supplements to strengthen our immune system, provide more energy and manage our weight effectively. These food supplements come under QNET India’s Health and Wellness brand – Nutriplus. Nutriplus products help us to lead healthy and better life. 

Nowadays, people consume more ready-to-cook food items and other processed food items. Most of these food items are easily available in the market, making our life hassle-free. A majority of them also offer great taste. So, people tend to buy it more and more. But, when we depend more on processed and junk food, our bodies will suffer from a deficiency of nutrients. It is because food processing involves a lot of heating processes, and it eliminates most of the nutrients present in fresh vegetables and fruits. A deficiency of nutrients leads to many health problems. 

In addition, our sedentary lifestyle is leading us to many health issues. Most of our job demands a high sitting time. When we do not exercise, our body loses its flexibility, weakens our muscle strength, and eventually weakens our body. It not only affects our physical health but also affects our mental health. Other unhealthy habits such as smoking and excess intake of alcohol also lead people to many health problems. Environmental pollution and some other natural disasters also contribute to our bad health.

So, it is important to take care of our health by giving it some nutrients and superfoods that help boost our immune system and to manage a healthy weight. A healthy immune system prevents pathogens from entering our bodies. Also, there are some superfoods that provide all the nutrients needed for our body and also help in maintaining a healthy weight. Some of the Nutriplus wellness products available from QNET include virgin coconut oil, coffee mix, monofloral honey, herbal infusions, sugar substitute and EDG3 health supplement. All these products use premium quality ingredients sourced from different parts of the world. 

Nutriplus Virgin Coconut Oil for Improved Health

Nutriplus Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin coconut oil is widely used worldwide due to its numerous health benefits. As the extraction of virgin coconut oil doesn’t undergo any heating process, it retains all the goodness of coconut. The extraction of refined coconut oil includes a heating process, which eliminates some of the essential nutrients present in the coconut. 

Nutriplus Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is made using high-quality coconuts sourced from Kerala, which are free of pesticides and chemicals. Nutriplus ensures high quality from the farming stage to the packaging stage. The oil is extracted using cold-pressed technology, which retains all the nutrients present in the coconuts. This coconut oil can be consumed directly or can be used while cooking. It also offers a better aroma and flavour of fresh coconuts when compared with refined oil. 

Nutriplus oil helps to improve the body’s metabolic rate and also helps in better nutrient absorption. Studies say that VCO increases the good cholesterol level of our body, which helps in reducing heart-related problems. VCO also exhibits high anti-bacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it useful for curing and preventing skin, hair and dental issues. 

Coconut oil can also be used as a good cleanser and moisturiser. It also enhances collagen production that helps to provide structure, support and strength to our muscles, skin and bones. The oil also helps prevent early ageing and lightens the skin’s dark patches. Thus Nutriplus Virgin Coconut Oil helps in enhancing your health and appearance. 

Nutriplus Qafe Coffee Mix Offers Great Taste

Nutriplus Qafe/Nutriplus food supplement

Nutriplus Qafe coffee mix comes with all the goodness of green coffee. It is a perfect blend of unroasted coffee bean extract, instant coffee, freeze-dried coffee and Nutriose. This formulation offers a brew that is strong and rich in taste. Green coffee contains a high level of chlorogenic acid, which helps in healthy weight reduction. This acid also reduces the risk of diabetes and cancer. It also helps in controlling blood pressure. 

The Nutriose present in this coffee mix is a prebiotic soluble fibre that offers the good digestive tolerance required for a healthy digestive system. It suppresses our hunger by 71%, which helps in healthy weight management. This prebiotic supports the growth of healthy gut microbiota, which promotes digestion. It helps in improving our health. 

The freeze-dried coffee retains all the flavour and aroma of good coffee. It is also rich in antioxidants, which protect us from many diseases. Instant coffee is added to this coffee mix to make it stronger and richer in taste. Nutriplus Qafe is a natural product that helps manage weight by reducing calorie intake. It also improves metabolism and enhances digestive health. This coffee mix can also make a perfect brew that helps rejuvenate our minds and bodies.

Nutriplus EDG3 Health Supplement for Cells 

Nutriplus food supplement/Nutriplus EDG3

Nutriplus EDG3 health supplement helps to protect our cells from damage. This Nutriplus health supplement helps enhance our cells’ natural healing power. Unhealthy eating habits, a sedentary lifestyle, environmental pollution, excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking are some of the reasons for damaged cells. Cell damage can lead to health problems such as heart disease, cancer, imbalanced blood sugar level and high blood pressure.

Antioxidants protect our cells from damage. Glutathione is an antioxidant that is produced in the cells of our body. Our bodies need a healthy glutathione level to protect the cells from diseases. The glutathione level reduces as we age. Nutriplus EDG3 health supplement contains amino acids such as I-Cystine, Glycine, I-Glutamine and Selenomethionine. These amino acids help in enhancing and maintaining the amount of glutathione in our body. Thus, this Nutriplus health supplement protects our cells from damage, which prevents our bodies from many health problems. 

This health supplement also helps in detoxification. It improves our immune system and improves our energy levels. It also improves our skin health. Nuriplus EDG3 also promotes the growth of healthy hair and nails.  

Nutriplus Celesteal Exotic Blend Herbal Infusions

Nutriplus food supplement/Celesteal Exotic Blend

Nutriplus Celesteal Exotic Blend includes three herbal infusions that are made using high-quality ingredients to provide the best taste and aroma. This perfect brew also offers many health benefits, such as enhanced immunity, metabolism, detoxification, reduced stress, and digestion. 

The three herbal infusions in Nutriplus Celesteal Exotic Blend are Celesteal Rose Tea, Celesteal Apple Cinnamon Tea, and Celesteal Kahwa Tea. Nutriplus Celesteal Rose Tea is a perfect combination of premium rose petals and the finest tea leaves. This herbal infusion with a rose fragrance is rich in Vitamin C, pectin, citric acid, and antioxidants. It also helps in detoxification and enhancing immunity. 

Nutriplus Celesteal Apple Cinnamon Tea is blended using German apples, Darjeeling tea leaves and cinnamon. This sweet and strong tea boosts metabolism. This tea is also good for digestion. Nutriplus Celesteal Kahwa Tea is a traditional herbal tea made using green cardamon, cinnamon, rose petals and bay leaves. This herbal tea is good for the immune system. The Nutriplus herbal infusion helps manage weight by reducing the risk of high calories. This herbal tea is good for our stomachs. It enhances digestion and improves overall health.

Nutriplus Natose Stevia Sugar Substitute

Nutriplus Natose/Nutriplus food supplement

A majority of us cannot think of a day without sugar. We consume it with our beverages, snacks, biscuits, cookies, bread etc. Sugar helps in giving instant energy. But when consumed in high quantity, it leads to many health problems. 

If table sugar is taken in excess amounts regularly, it will lead to obesity. The new lifestyles have made people depend more on processed food and snacks. These food items contain sugar in high amounts. It will lead to many health problems, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. 

Nutriplus Natose is a natural sugar substitute. This liquid sweetener is made using stevia drops. The stevia plant extract has been used as a sweetener for thousands of years. Nutriplus Natose doesn’t contain any artificial flavour and is stable to heat. So, this sweetener can be used while cooking and baking. You can also add it to any beverage. This sugar substitute helps you to make healthy and tasty beverages and snacks. 

Nutriplus Monofloral Honey

Nutriplus Monofloral Honey

Nutriplus Monofloral Honey is another wellness product added to the Nutriplus health supplement. Honey is used widely all around the world due to its numerous health benefits. Some of the health benefits include healthy weight management, enhanced immune system, improved skin health, and fast healing of wounds. Since it is a natural product, it is good even for children. It also reduces cough and sore throat. 

Nutriplus monofloral honey is available in different variants. Monofloral honey is obtained when honey bees collect nectar predominantly from one type of flower. Nutriplus Moringa monofloral honey has anti-bacterial and antifungal properties, which protect us from many diseases. This honey also helps in stabilising blood sugar levels. This honey can be a healthy alternative to sugar. You can use it for making beverages, baked items and sweets. This honey also helps in the fast healing of wounds and burns. It can also be used as a cough suppressant. This monofloral honey can also reduce allergy symptoms and enhance immunity. 

Nutriplus Karanj Monofloral Honey comprises healthy nutrients and enzymes. This honey offers the health benefits of the flowers of Millettia pinata. This flower has high medicinal value. Nutriplus Karanj Monofloral Honey possesses antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. So it can cure wounds and burns. Other health benefits of Nutriplus Karanj Monofloral Honey include strong anti-bacterial and antifungal properties, which helps in curing different health problems. This honey also helps in reducing cough and cold. You can also use it to treat skin issues and also helps in preventing the signs of ageing. You can use this monofloral honey to treat diarrhoea and diabetes. It also contributes to healthy weight management. This honey helps in enhancing overall immunity.

Replace sugar with honey for making healthy snacks and beverages. It gives a great taste to beverages and snacks. It also helps in preventing many diseases. 

Nutriplus Food Supplements for a Better Life

QNET India offers many food supplements that help enhance an individual’s overall health. Our changing lifestyles increase the necessity of providing our bodies with superfoods, health supplements and nourishing food. All Nutriplus food supplements are made using high-quality natural ingredients. The ingredients used in making these products are obtained from different parts of the world to offer the finest quality. These Nutriplus food supplements provide the nutrients required for the well-being of an individual’s body. It also helps in healthy weight reduction even if you do not do many exercises.

Moreover, these Nutriplus food supplements provide you with more energy, which helps you in leading a more vibrant lifestyle. So, enjoy a healthier and better life with Nutriplus food supplements. The Nutriplus food supplements and Nutriplus Health supplements are available only through QNET India. You can visit QNET India portal to get more information about the product and to order the product. 

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