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Regular Exercise to Maintain Fitness As We Age

The life of P V Iyer, a formal Air Marshal, tells us that people can remain fit and healthy even in old age. Even at 93, he runs at least 8kms a day and workout in home gym for more than an hour to remain fit and healthy. He has also published a book named ‘Fit at any age’ to motivate and teach others the benefits of remaining fit.

As people age, it becomes increasingly important for them to focus on maintaining their fitness and overall health. Many older adults are conscious of this need and strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise, proper nutrition, and other healthy habits.

Regular exercise is particularly important for maintaining fitness as we age. As per the words of P V Iyer, it is important to work out regularly. If you do not work out for a few months, you will lose the fitness and shape that you achieved after years of hard work. So, it is important to work out regularly as we age.

Older adults should engage in activities that strengthen their muscles, such as weightlifting or resistance training, as well as exercises that improve their cardiovascular health, such as brisk walking, swimming, or cycling. Exercise can help maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers, and improve balance and mobility.

Can Exercise Alone Makes You Fit?

Nutriplus products for maintaining fitness

In addition to exercise, proper nutrition is essential for maintaining health and fitness as we age. Older adults should strive to eat a well-balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. They should also pay attention to their caloric intake and limit their intake of saturated fats, trans fats, and added sugars.

Other healthy habits that can help maintain fitness and overall health in older adults include getting enough sleep, managing stress, staying hydrated, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

It’s important for older adults to consult with their healthcare provider before starting a new exercise program or making significant changes to their diet or lifestyle. With the right approach and support, even older adults can maintain a high level of fitness and overall health.

At Which Age Should You Start Exercising?

There is no specific age at which one should start exercising, as physical activity is important for people of all ages. However, it is important to start gradually and choose activities that are appropriate for one’s age, fitness level, and health status. Children and adolescents should engage in age-appropriate activities, while adults should consider their current fitness level and any underlying health conditions before starting a new exercise program.

The American Heart Association recommends that children and adolescents should get at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. This can include aerobic activities such as running, swimming, cycling, or playing sports, as well as muscle-strengthening and bone-strengthening exercises. For adults, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, as well as muscle-strengthening activities on at least two days per week.

Benefits of Owing a Home Gym for Older People

Having a home gym can be very beneficial for older adults. Regular exercise can help maintain physical and mental health and prevent chronic diseases. Here are some benefits of having a home gym in old age:

Convenience: Having a home gym makes it easier to fit exercise into your daily routine. You no longer need to travel to a gym or deal with the inconvenience of changing clothes and showering in a public facility.

Safety: Older adults may have mobility or balance issues that make exercising in a public gym more challenging or risky. Having a home gym allows you to exercise in a familiar and safe environment. It also reduces the risk of falls or other injuries.

Customization: With a home gym, you can choose the equipment that best suits your needs and preferences. This can be especially important for older adults, who may have specific limitations or conditions that require certain types of equipment or exercises.

Cost-effectiveness: Over time, a home gym can be more cost-effective than paying for a gym membership. It is especially beneficial if you use it regularly.

Health benefits: Regular exercise can help improve cardiovascular health. It also reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and osteoporosis. Moreover, it improves mental health and cognitive function.

Overall, having a home gym can be a great way for older adults for maintaining fitness. However, they should choose exercises and equipment that are appropriate for their age and fitness level. It is also important to consult a healthcare professional if they have any health concerns or medical conditions.

MyHomePlus HomeGym For Maintaining Fitness

MyHomePlus Home Gym for maintaining fitness

MyHomeplus HomeGym is a gym machine that allows you to carry out 15 different exercises. This user-friendly machine is also easy to maintain. This machine is available only from QNET India. So head to QNET India eStore and order your HomeGym today! Get inspired by people like P V Iyer!

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