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Stevia Drops ~ Healthy, Zero-Calorie Sweetener

Nutriplus Stevia drops prevent the risk of diabetes

Stevia is a plant widely used as a sweetener for hundreds of years. The Stevia plant extract is a zero-calorie sweetener that is a healthy alternative to refined sugar. People used to chew the leaves or add them directly to different dishes they made. Japan first commercially adopted Stevia leaf extract as a sweetener. This sugar substitute helps reduce calorie intake and offers numerous health benefits

What is Stevia?

The stevia plant is native to South America. People started using it over 200 years ago as a sugar substitute for their beverages or sweet foods or chew them when they crave sugar. The plant is popularly known as a honey herb. This natural sweetener became popular due to the many health benefits it offers. In 2015, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) allowed stevia as a sweetener in food and beverages. Hence, stevia is a beneficial solution for people with a sweet tooth. 

The leaves of the stevia plant are used for making the sweetener. The leaves are dried after harvesting. It is then steeped in hot water to extract stevia drops. The extraction process also undergoes filtration and purification. 

Stevia Drops ~ Healthy Alternative for Sugar

Sweets and sweetened beverages play an imperative role in every celebration. We cannot imagine a party or a celebration without desserts. India has a variety of tempting, aromatic sweets. Most of these sweets include refined sugar as one of their ingredients. However, studies have shown that sugar is the most harmful ingredient in the modern diet.  

Refined sugar, when consumed in excess quantity, is harmful to our bodies. It leads to obesity, which is the root cause of many diseases. It also leads to Type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Refined sugar is high in calories, which augments unhealthy weight gain. So, to prevent unhealthy weight gain and other diseases, you should reduce your sugar intake.

But, it would be difficult for people, especially those with a sweet tooth, to avoid sweets and sweetened beverages. So, QNET has come up with a healthy solution that allows you to enjoy your favourite sweets and sugary beverages without compromising on the taste. The Nutriplus Natose from QNET is a liquid concentrate extracted from Stevia leaves. This Stevia drop is a perfect sugar substitute that helps you to enjoy all sweet foods.

Why Nutriplus Natose?

Nutriplus Natose Stevia Drops

Nutriplus Natose Stevia drops are 100% natural. It is much sweeter than refined sugar or table sugar. So, it is required only to be added in small quantities. So, it reduces calorie intake. These stevia drops also help in reducing blood sugar levels. This natural sugar substitute is safe for diabetics. This liquid sweetener has a low glycemic index and is ideal for use in weight management and diabetes. It also doesn’t have any side effects. 

Refined sugar causes dental problems. Stevia drops have proven to reduce the risk of cavities. Hence, it is a healthy alternative to refined sugar. Moreover, Nutriplus Natose is stable to heat. So, you can use it while cooking to make your favourite dishes. It also contains no artificial flavours. So, you no longer need to compromise on the taste of your sweet dishes. You can use it for preparing desserts, baked items and sweets. Two to four drops of liquid stevia are enough to be added to the beverages or food items to get the desired sweetness. Since it is available in liquid form, you can easily add it to the food you prepare. 

In a Nutshell

Stevia plant extract is used worldwide as a healthy alternative to refined sugar. Stevia drops are popular due to the health benefits it offers. Nutriplus Natose is a liquid sweetener that can be conveniently used to enhance the taste of your food and beverages. As it doesn’t contain any artificial flavours, it doesn’t change the taste of your favourite food. 

This sweetener adds nearly zero calories to your daily diet. It also prevents you from many diseases. It also allows healthy weight management and prevents obesity. Nutriplus Natose is available only through QNET India. So, head to QNET India eStore to get more information about Nutriplus Natose and to order the product. Start a healthy life today with Nutriplus Natose and enjoy sweetened beverages and food!

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